Personal Information

Yelena Spiridonova

Yelena Spiridonova
Nationality: russian
Languages: English,Russian

Personal details

Active Listings: 0 Properties
License No: 49365
Experience Since: 2019
Areas Covered: Not Specified

About Yelena Spiridonova

Yelena has had over 15 years of work experience in the Gulf Region and have lived and worked in both Oman and the UAE. Yelena specialises in a range of commercial property types and is dedicated to finding the perfect unit for her clients, whilst maintaining the highest quality of service. Outside of her work as a commercial property specialist, Yelena's hobbies and interests include photography, outdoor activities, fitness, nutritional therapy, perfumes, jazz music.
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Company CRC (Commercial Real Estate Consultants)

License No: 49365

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